Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Interview With An Organizer: Lisa Elliot

Just about every week I meet some awesome folks! Because I provide a lifestyle service, I try to have as many outstanding professionals in my back pocket that can assist my clients to have a fabulous life personally and professionally.

These interviews are also meant to show that we all have our own style of keeping it together, organized, and productive.  I'm the Organizer but certainly not a know-it-all (if my mom or husband is reading I advise them to stop laughing now).

Here is the latest interview.  Enjoy!

Meet Ms. Lisa Elliott of A Little Bash!

Tell us a little about your company: A Little Bash is an event and wedding planning company that specializes in intimate gatherings.

Name one thing you're really good at keeping organized in your business? I'm really good at organizing electronic and hard copies of documents.

Any specific organizing tool? I love to use labels! The more creative and color coordinated the labels are the better.

How do you stay motivated to keep organized? (book, advice, routine, person) 

I must keep organized to find things and keep my sanity. I don't have a choice.

What is your biggest organizing conundrum? 
All the different shapes, colors and varying material types that I use to create events, weddings and parties that serve multi-purposes have to be organized so that I can find what I need. This isn't always an easy task.

If you would like to learn more about Lisa and how she can help you plan an event in 2014 (or beyond), connect with her on her website (A Little Bash).

Like what you read? I'd love to hear your feedback so please comment below.  Know someone who could benefit from the information? Feel free to share via social media by pressing any of the social media buttons below!

Would you like to have a 1:1 meeting with me so I can possibly have you in my back pocket as an outstanding service or product for my clients? Then email me at


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