Friday, July 22, 2011

Vacation is not always a destination.

When we think of the word vacation, it sometimes conjures up the memories or fantasies of a cool breeze blowing through a Caribbean cabana. Perhaps the joy of coming back to your hotel room with the beds freshly made with a new set of clean towels. Maybe the joys of not having to prepare not one.single.meal.

But actually a vacation doesn't have to be a destination. It can be a state of mind. In fact, with a little preparation and medication (oops typo) *cough* meditation, you can have a relaxing and great vacation right at home and save some $moolah$ for the rest of the year. What do you have to do to enjoy this "stay-cation"?

Let's start with preparation:

Your house maybe doesn't feel like a home if it's messy and cluttered. As a professional organizer – you guessed it…I prescribe that your home (or at least a few major rooms) get organized. If you've been "meaning to get to that" for a while, why not hire a professional organizer? It will save you time and frustration of trying to find the time to get it done all by yourself and once it's done you can enjoy the proceeds and your new organizing systems for weeks, months, and (with consistent effort and tweaking) even years to come.

Let's do the comparison of getting out of Dodge vs. Staying in a newly organized home?

  • 5 nights at a hotel in a prime vacation spot @ $300/night = $1500+

  • Airfare or Gas to travel = $200-$600

    • Total = About $2,100


  • 2 sessions with a professional organizer to organize and bring peace of mind to your home (for more than 5 nights) = anywhere from $500-$900

  • Supplies needed to organize and contain = $50-$300

    • Total = About $ 1,200

Savings of stay-cation prep = About $1,100

Not coming home to a cluttered home and have the stress all come rushing back to you after you've brought your beautifully-tanned-self through that threshold (not to mention no unpacking. Winning!)

What to do with your hotel and travel savings to help you enjoy your vacation at home?

Here are some suggestions:

  • Buy some new loungewear

  • Eat out every day and not cook (or get your food delivered)

  • Turn off your phone or work e-mails all day or part of the day

  • Hire a maid service for one or two days of your vacation

  • Go get a massage or look into bringing a masseuse to come to you

  • Make a relaxing play list of music to listen to (get imaginative and make the play list something you'd hear at the spa or the beach)

  • Get a list of your favorite books and plan to read

  • Get a list of movies you'd like to catch up on and plan a movie-a-thon.

  • Visit a park or local free or cheap places (library, pool, movies-on-the-lawn)

With a little planning and ORGANIZATION (wink) you can have a great stay-at-home vacation and save a little money. For more great tips on planning a great Summer stay-cation visit Real Simple's article: How to Kick Back, Relax, and Vacation at Home.

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