Friday, February 28, 2014

If Your Desk is Messy, It Means You Can Fly!

So recently I read this article about if your desk is messy it means you're a genius. I agree that many people who have messy desks are really deep thinkers.  I mean, who has time to file when you're solving impossible math equations, like Sir Andrew Wiles (pictured below). But there has to be some sort of system to the chaos.  The less likely you are to be able to locate a needed or wanted item in your office the less you can describe yourself as organized.  Nobody is 100% organized, because we are imperfect humans.  But what we can do is put in systems that defray the lack of perfect we have in our brains and our chaotic lives.

I AM in total agreement with Author and Speaker Lee Silber in his book Organizing from the Right Side of the Brain: A Creative Approach to Getting Organized:

The truest definition of organizing is this: if you can find what you need when you need it, then you are organized. If it doesn't look organized to others, it doesn't matter.  If it works for you, that's what matters most. It's about function more than it is about form. It's creative, colorful, and comfortable, and not necessarily neat and perfect with everything put away. It isn't a cold, clinical environment devoid of any sign of life. It's more about controlled chaos. It's cozy and personal. It's also clean. There is a place for everything (even if it's a pile by the door) and everything is at least near that place. Things move and flow in and out of your life and your space based on need, want, and room.

So can you find what you need when you need it? Comment in the section below I want to know if you're a creative and messy or if you are a creative that is impeccably neat.

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