Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Guest Blog Post: Creating Your Sacred Hour

Wednesday Morning Coffee Break

By Jane Lovas of Lovas Consulting 

What do you do each morning when you start work?  Do you jump in and start reading emails, returning calls, answering questions, solving problems ... you know all that urgent stuff that busy people do every day to keep busy. 
Do you know what the effect this would have on the rest of your day and even more important on the growth of your business 90 days or a year or even five years from now?
I want to share a simple technique that will have a slow and dramatic change on you and your business.  This is the implementation of The Sacred Hour in your business day.  This Sacred Hour is the most important hour you'll spend working on your business each day.   When you get to your office get a cup of coffee, tea, water (anything you want), make sure your desk is clear of stuff (ideally you'll have cleaned it off as you finished the evening before, mute your phone and shut down your email and have a pen and paper accessible.
Now what are you going to do in this hour.  There are basically two different ways to use this time.  You choose which one is the right one for you, knowing that you can change at any time.
Sacred Hour - Silence. For this hour I want you to sit there, yes just sit there. Look out the window, twiddle your thumbs, or doodle on your paper. Think about what your business, your employees, your vendors, your clients. Think about what might help them; think about how you might do something different. Think about whatever you want, think about nothing. Think about new ideas, new concepts anything you want to think about.
What's the point of doing this? When we are busy doing things our minds are so focused on what's happening that there is no room for new ideas to break through.  What you're creating in this Sacred Hour is space for those ideas that have been lurking under all the happenings to bubble up.
Sacred Hour - Focus.This hour provides you focused and uninterrupted to work on an idea, project, writing, reading anything that you know has the potential to take your business to a new level. 
The reason for doing this is to let your mind know that it has uninterrupted time to let the thoughts flow and create new and more powerful ideas and concepts.  So often we're rushing to get something done, pulling and pushing instead of relaxing and letting the ideas flow. 
What happens if you finish early and you still have time left in your Sacred Hour? In that case, spend your last few minutes in Sacred Hour Silence. 
I know I know, I can hear you now.  "I'm too busy," "I have meetings scheduled," "I have calls to make."  I agree all very "important" things you need to do.  Ask yourself this. If you changed those meetings and returned the calls or emails after your Sacred Hour what really would happen? Would you lose a million dollar contract or even a potential client? I'm betting not.  On the other hand could an idea birthed and clarified during your Sacred Hour create a million dollar contract, a new product or land you a new client?
Our minds need space to create and time to expand. Give your mind this gift and see what gifts your mind gives back to you.
I'd love to hear your comments. Please click here to comment.

Jane works with CEOs,Business Owners and Entrepreneurs who are looking for Clarity, Focus and Release. My clients and colleagues call me a thought provoking Business Therapist.  My focus is helping overwhelmed Business Owners regain clarity, let go of ambiguity, uncertainty and fear, while bringing focus and accountability to their goals and objectives.  I ask the hard questions knowing that you're ready to answer them.
Jane is also the author of Put Your Big Girl Panties On and Kick Your Fears in the Ass.
Additional information is available at Contact Jane by email

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